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Music is your passion and your vehicle for self-expression. You are discovering your talent and are working diligently to develop your musical skills.

Lander’s music program offers the individual attention necessary to help you achieve your goals. Our music curriculum is designed to heighten your musical awareness and to cultivate your appreciation for the broadest possible spectrum of music. You will study the works of master musicians from all stylistic periods. You will be given the opportunity to perform as a soloist and as a member of one of our preeminent ensembles.





Reed Gallo
Department Chair

864-388-8345  | |  Josephine B. Abney Cultural Center CC A359

Take the first steps today.

Our application process is easy and our staff is here to help you evaluate your options.
Department Awards

Awards are presented each spring to outstanding students from every academic discipline. The following honors are bestowed upon deserving upperclassmen in music:

  • Turner Music Award
    Established in 1973 by Gladys Winchester Turner, a 1954 alumna, this medal is awarded annually by the music faculty to a senior majoring in music who has maintained a high scholastic standing and has demonstrated the potential for making an outstanding contribution to the field of music education, performance or music-related work.
  • Music Discipline Award
    Given annually by the music faculty to the most outstanding junior or senior music major in recognition of high academic achievement, quality contributions to the music program, artistry and commitment to the discipline. The recipient must be a full-time student.


Meet the Music Faculty


  • Amy Blackwood [M.M., UNC-Greensboro]; Collaborative Pianist, Chamber Orchestra
  • Reed Gallo [D.M.A., Illinois]; Trumpet, Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble
  • Robert Gardiner [D.M.A., South Carolina]; Saxophone, Jazz Ensemble, Music Education
  • Keith Jameson [M.M., Eastman School of Music]; Old Main Singers, University Singers
  • Robert Kelley [Ph.D., Florida State]; Piano, Piano Ensemble, Theory, World Music
  • Jeremy Ruth [D.M.A., Arizona State]; Clarinet, Woodwind Ensemble, Music History



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