This Spring, Lander University hosted its second annual film festival and student short film competition. The competition challenged high school, college and open division entrants to submit a completed film between three and five minutes long. The filmmakers only had a week to complete their films and they were required to use a prop and a line provided by competition coordinators to ensure that films were not part of a previous project. Nearly 20 films were submitted, but in the end, the filmmakers at the top of the list were, front row, from left: Matt Anderson, high school division winner; Daniel Forster, open division honorable mention; and John Ridlehoover, second place college division. Back row, from left: Craig Titley, festival guest artist; Tim Thomas, college division honorable mention; Greg Thomas, open division winner; and Ethan Wells, third place college division. The first place winner for the college division was Barrett Langford. He was not in attendance.