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Lander to Offer Free Semester of Housing to Students Who Enroll Early

Lander University has announced it will implement a new program to reward prospective students who make an early commitment to attend the university.

The Early Decision Enrollment program will provide qualifying students with one semester of free campus housing the fall of their freshman year in return for making the decision to attend Lander by January 15 and completing at least six hours of study at Lander during the summer prior to their freshman year.

The free semester of housing is available to students who are accepted for Lander's Fall 2014 semester, and, in addition to the January 15 commitment deadline, candidates must meet the following criteria: have a score of at least 1100 on the critical reading and math sections of the SAT; be a full-time, first-time freshman in the fall; plan to live in campus housing; and pay a $225 housing deposit and return a housing contract for the fall semester.

Jennifer Mathis, dean of Enrollment Services at Lander, said students who satisfy those requirements must also successfully complete at least six credit hours of study at Lander during the summer session prior to their freshman year, earning a "C" or higher. Regular summer tuition rates would apply for the summer classes, as well as summer housing, if applicable.

Students who meet the program criteria and complete the summer class requirements would then receive their freshman fall semester campus housing free-of-charge, a value of up to $2,600, depending on residence hall.

"We are excited to be able to reward high-performing students who make an early decision to attend Lander," said Lander President Daniel Ball. "This program gives our students and their parents an easy way to save a little on the cost of higher education at a time when the cost of living is on the rise."

Information about the Early Decision Enrollment program can be obtained by calling Lander's Office of Admissions at 864-388-8307 or e-mailing