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As a teaching-focused institution, we spend most of our time and energy on teaching. We may also spend significant effort on service and scholarship if our roles require it. However, few of us regularly consider the scholarship of college teaching. This scholarship has grown up over the past 30 years and has a lot to tell us about our teaching. Although disciplines and courses differ, there are now established best practices and information that are relevant to every teacher. Our goal for the Lander Teaching Circle is to build a faculty learning community that fosters cross-disciplinary sharing of ideas in an open and supportive environment.

In the Lander Teaching Circle, we examine the teaching literature and use it as a framework for discussing our own experiences and ideas. Based on the interests of the participants, we choose to examine a specific pedagogical topic such as course design, teaching creative thinking, or in-class assessment, or explore across a range of topics, using faculty presentations, the primary pedagogical literature (such as the Journal of Excellence in College Teaching or the Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) or a book such as Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning by James Lang, which was read for Fall 2022.


New Sessions

Fall 2024 dates and topics will be announced soon. Interested in presenting at a future teaching circle meeting? Or have a topic to propose? Contact Dr. Jennifer Yates at or


How did we do?

After you’ve attended a Teaching Circle meeting – please fill out this quick survey to share your takeaways and ideas.