This is the cheapest way to show horses. If you are used to carting your horse and all that goes with him to the show, you will welcome the change of pace. If you just want to be involved, but are not planning on riding and showing, you can be a member of the LUET Club. The cost is $75 per semester. As a paying club member you will have the option to take part in at least 6 Equine Education lectures. If you wish to, and are selected, to be an active, competing LUET member you will pay a team riding fee of $700 per semester. This Fee covers 2 lessons aper week with the LUET riding coach, all practice rides during the semester, all equine education lectures and team workouts, and hotel for competitions. As a Team member, Team Workouts and lessons with the LUET Coach are required. If you choose and are selected to be a competing member of the IHSA Lander University Equestrian Team, you will have to join the IHSA. You will be responsible for paying for your yearly membership dues. IHSA National Association yearly dues are $40 for one discipline and $60 for both Hunter and Western disciplines. Team Members are responsible for their own meals and entry fees which run approximately $40 per class (about ½ the cost of most regular rated shows). As a whole, showing IHSA is relatively cheap and it is possible to do fundraisers throughout the year to assist with these costs.