To access your email from off-campus locations, you can use the Microsoft Office365 Portal. Office365 web access is available from any computer with an internet connection by simply pointing your browser (for example, Internet Explorer) to this web address: On the portal page, enter your email address (i.e. and click the next field. You will automatically be redirected to the organization page where you will be prompted for your username and password. Your username should be entered in the format of lander\jdoe. Then type in your Lander account password.
Step-by-step instructions for using Outlook365 web access (PDF).
SMART (Shared Multimedia Access to Resources for Teaching)
Classrooms are equipped with podiums, video projectors, DVD players, laptop connections, etc. to allow you to share teaching resources with your class. Some SMART classrooms are equipped with computers, while some require you to bring a laptop. SMART classrooms in some areas also include ELMO projectors and interactive white boards. For more information, please visit the SMART classrooms web page.