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Scholarships are awarded annually by each department, based on the annual availability of funds, the donors criteria and the selection process of each department. Interested students should contact their academic department early each spring semester for additional information. Departmental scholarships may reduce other Lander institutional aid. A full list of all available scholarships can be found on the Scholarship page.


Apply for Departmental Scholarships



College of Arts & Humanities

  • Fine Arts Scholarships – awarded to students in art, music, theatre and dance.
  • Carol Brown Scholarship – rotates between the three disciplines of art, business and music. The scholarship is awarded to students emphasizing the study of business administration, visual art and piano.
  • The Marie Chisholm Scholarship – awarded annually to an art major.
  • The Barbara Kinard Cornett Art Scholarship – awarded annually to the art major selected for "best in show" in the Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition held each spring in The Lander Art Gallery.

Merit scholarships are awarded annually based on excellence. Portfolios are submitted by March 10, and reviewed by the scholarship committee. Scholarship recipients will be notified via email and then publicly acknowledged during the Academic Awards and Honors Program on April 3, 2025. Portfolios should be submitted by email to Asma Nazim-Starnes at Download the Art Scholarship Portfolio Requirements.

>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

  • Ann Hare Scholarship - awarded annually from fund income to a student majoring in humanities. Selection will be based on academic ability and need and may be renewed for up to four years.
  • Bob and Debra Cumming Scholarship - awarded to an English major with a demonstrated interest in writing poetry and fiction or to an English minor who is pursuing a creative writing emphasis. 
  • Eleanor M. Mundy Scholarship - awarded annually to an upper-division student majoring in English.
  • John A. Hare Scholarship - awarded annually from fund income to a student majoring in humanities. Selection will be based on academic ability and need and may be renewed for up to four years.
  • Dr. John Marvin Rast Scholarship - awarded annually based on merit and financial need to an entering freshman majoring in an area of liberal arts. Scholarship will be continued provided recipient maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • L´Alliance Française Scholarship (French) - awarded to students studying French.
  • Larry A. Jackson Scholarship (Spanish) - awarded annually to a Spanish student whose character and school record show promise.
  • Louise and Leo McMullin Scholarship (Creative Writing) - awarded for Creative Writing.
  • Margaret B. Tinsley Scholarship - awarded annually from fun income to a student majoring in the humanities.  Scholarship is renewable up to three years provided recipient maintains at least a 3.0 GPA and continues study toward a degree in humanities.
  • Murrell Jones Huckabee Scholarship - recipient must be from the rising senior class; must have attended Lander for the three previous years; must have a 2.5 grade point average and preferably higher; must exhibit the "spirit of Lander"; must be an English or history major; must exhibit qualities of leadership and scholarship; and must be a deserving student, not necessarily one in financial need, but one who has contributed to the strength and high ideals of Lander University.
  • Pat Sease Scholarship - awarded from fund income to an entering freshman who is interested in majoring in English or becoming a high school teacher. Recipient must have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 and be recommended by a guidance counselor. Preference will be given to students from Clinton High School. The scholarship can be renewed provided the student maintains a cumulative 3.0 GPA and is majoring in English or is in the Teacher Education Program.
  • Seab Coates McEntire and Ruth Ball English McEntire Scholarship - awarded annually to an English major showing need; renewable provided the student remains an English major.
  • W. Pierce May Jr. Scholarship -  awarded annually from fund income. Student selection will be based on need, academic achievement, and leadership potential with preference given to students majoring in English. Scholarship will be renewable provided recipient maintains a 3.0 GPA.

>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

  • Bill & Emily Bradford Scholarship – established by the Bradford’s three sons, the scholarship is awarded annually to a Mass Communications & Media Studies major.
  • Harvey E. Jeffreys Scholarship – established in honor of Dr. Harvey E. Jeffreys, Professor of Speech and Theatre at Lander for 23 years.  Scholarship is awarded to a student of mass communications and media studies.
  • Leo & Louise McMullin Mass Communication Scholarship – established by Dr. Leo McMullin, professor emeritus, awarded to a mass communications and media studies major.
  • Donald H. & Cynthia Y. Scott – established by alumni Don (1975) and Cynthia (1976) in honor of their daughter Kendel, a mass communications major.  Recipient must be a South Carolina resident. 
  • Carroll Sexton Mass Communications Scholarship – scholarship is awarded annually to a mass communications and media studies student.
  • Harry & Ruth Hakam Scholarship – established in loving memory by their family.  Scholarship recipient is chosen by department faculty based of their academic record, character, and evidence of a strong commitment to the theatre arts.       

 >> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

Prospective music majors, music minors, and ensemble participants must audition before the music faculty to demonstrate performing abilities, knowledge of music theory fundamentals, and overall music potential. Musicians should submit the Lander music scholarship application and audition registration form, accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a music professional. Questions may be directed to: Dr. Reed Gallo.


  • Alumni Departmental Scholarship-Music – the Lander University Alumni Association provides departmental scholarships each year for students with academic ability and financial need.
  • Arrington-Rhodes Scholarship – awarded annually to entering freshmen majoring in music with an emphasis in organ. Preference will be given to a Greenwood County resident. The scholarship will continue as long as the student maintains a 3.0 GPR.
  • Bix Beiderbecke Scholarship – to be given to a married, non-traditional, returning music major in education with emphasis on trumpet and music education. Preference is to be given to participants in the Faculty Brass Quintet.
  • Eula Caudle Bracknell Scholarship – two scholarships to be awarded per semester to music majors whose chosen performing instrument is piano.
  • Carol Brown Scholarship – rotates between the three disciplines of art, business, and music. The scholarship is awarded to students emphasizing the study of business administration, visual art, and piano.
  • Carillonneur – awarded to a student who possesses experience with carillons or who expresses an interest in maintenance of Lander’s Old Main Tower carillon.
  • Lenna Hall Clifford Scholarship – awarded to a deserving music major in the senior year only who will have had, upon graduation, completed four years of performance in the department of music. The senior student’s chosen and performing instrument must be piano or violin.
  • Paul D. Criswell Scholarship - awarded annually to a tenor/baritone/bass majoring in music with a vocal emphasis.  Preference will be given to males singers who are pursuing music education leading to choral certification. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years, provided the recipient maintains a 3.0 GPA.
  • Fine Arts Scholarship – awarded to students in art, music and theatre.
  • John L. and Ruby B. Hare Music Scholarship - awarded annually from fund income to a student majoring in music. Selection will be based on academic ability and need and may be renewed for up to three years.
  • Fay Maria Mitchell Hart Choral Music Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to a freshman or transfer student who is majoring in choral public school music with an emphasis in voice, piano, or organ. This scholarship is for growth in public school choral music only. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years, provided the recipient maintains a 3.0 GPR or better.
  • Fay Maria Mitchell Hart Music Education Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to a freshman majoring in music education. The scholarship will be renewable, provided the student remains a music education major and maintains a B average in all courses.
  • Thomas L. and Ann Mason Hutto Scholarship – awarded to junior or senior voice emphasis students, based on grade point average in music courses and professional potential, upon the recommendation of the music faculty.
  • Susan Pope Justesen Music Scholarship – awarded from fund income to a full-time student majoring in music with preference given to music education majors. The music faculty will make selection of the recipient. The scholarship is renewable, provided the recipient remains a full-time music major and maintains a 3.0 GPR.
  • Sally Kauffmann Music Education Scholarship - awarded annually to a music education major with a 2.5 GPA.  The scholarship may be awarded to a music major and is renewable as long as the GPA is maintained.
  • Pete G. Kerhoulas Music Scholarship – awarded to an entering freshman on the basis of character and academic record. The recipient must be a deserving student, not necessarily one in financial need. The student must be either a music major or one who possesses musical abilities.
  • Lenti-Wydra Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to keyboard students based on talent and financial need.
  • Roberta and Janie Craig Major Scholarship – awarded annually to rising junior piano majors with a GPR of 3.0 or above. The scholarship will continue for the senior year, provided the GPR is maintained.
  • John G. and Jayne B. McElrath Scholarship – awarded to an incoming freshman or transfer music student interested in performance. Recipient will be selected by the music faculty. The scholarship is renewable, provided the recipient maintains at least a 2.5 GPR.
  • Joyce J. Nickles Music Scholarship - awarded annually by the Department of Music to a deserving freshman music major who is studying applied piano or applied voice.  The scholarship may be awarded to a music minor and is renewable for up to four years, provided a 3.0 GPA is maintained.
  • Clara Bailey Robeson Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to a full-time student majoring in music with an emphasis in voice who demonstrates financial need. The music faculty will make their selection based on the promise in the major. The scholarship is renewable, provided the recipient maintains status as a full-time student majoring in music with an emphasis in voice and earns a 3.0 GPR.
  • Opal Rush Anderson Endowed Scholarship - Established in 2022, the Opal Rush Anderson Endowed Scholarship is awarded annually to an undergraduate student majoring in music.  The student must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA and be a resident of South Carolina.  Preference will be given to a resident of Greenwood, Laurens, Edgefield, Abbeville, McCormick, or Saluda counties.  The scholarship is renewable at the discretion of the Financial Aid office and The Lander Foundation guidelines.
  • Adele Standridge Music Scholarship - awarded to students in music.
  • Suzanne Lander Stone Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to an incoming student who has demonstrated outstanding abilities and a strong commitment to the profession of music. The recipient must be a full-time music major. The scholarship can be renewed at the discretion of the music faculty.
  • Nat F. White Instrumental Music Scholarship - awarded annually to a member of the Lander University Wind Ensemble or Jazz Ensemble. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of performance ability, and the recipient need not be a music major. The recipient will be selected by the instrumental music faculty.
  • Richard L. Wilkins Instrumental Music Scholarship – awarded annually to member(s) of the Lander University Wind Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble on the basis of performance ability. The recipient(s) need not be a music major and will be selected by the instrumental music faculty.
  • Young/Beaudrot Music Scholarship – awarded per semester, the recipient will be a music intern at The First Baptist Church, must be fully vaccinated, and must maintain a B average.


>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

College of Behavioral & Social Sciences

  • Alumni Departmental Scholarship – This scholarship is provided by the Lander University Alumni Association for students with academic ability and financial need.
  • The Robbie Barnes Political Science Scholarship – This scholarship honors Roberta J. Barnes' 75th birthday and was given by the John C. Barnes family. It is awarded to a junior or senior female student majoring in political science with an emphasis in public administration.
  • The Bill and Emily Bradford Scholarship – This scholarship honors the late J. William and Emily Bradford. The fund was established in 2005 by the Bradfords' three sons and is designated for a student majoring in political science.
  • The Maybelle Coleman Scholarship – This scholarship honors Dr. Maybelle Coleman, professor emeritus of sociology and academic dean at Lander. The scholarship is for a student majoring in sociology.
  • The William Jennings Bryan Dorn Scholarship – This scholarship honors the late William Jennings Brian Dorn. A long-term member of Congress, Dorn represented Greenwood and the Third District of S.C. in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1947-49 and 1951-74. This scholarship is annually awarded to an incoming member of Lander's freshman class who intends to major in political science.
  • The Walter Lanier Gorham Criminal Justice Scholarship – This scholarship was created by Mr. Gorham's family in 2006 as a memorial. It is awarded to a student studying in criminal justice.
  • Greenwood Vocational Rehabilitation Advisory Board Scholarship – This scholarship is for a sociology student who is a resident of Abbeville, Greenwood, Laurens or McCormick county and has academic ability.
  • The Louise Willing McMullin Scholarship – This scholarship honors Mrs. McMullin and was established in 1995 by Dr. Leo F. McMullin, professor emeritus of political science at Lander. It is awarded to an upper-division student majoring in political science.
  • The W.D. Tinsley Scholarship – This scholarship honors William D. Tinsley, former chairman of the Lander University board of trustees. The fund was established in 1986 as a memorial to Mr. Tinsley by friends and family for a student studying pre-law.
  • The James M. Grogan Scholarship – This scholarship honors the late James Mickey Grogan, a lifelong resident of Greenwood. The fund was established by his family in 2011 as a memorial. The fund is awarded to a first-generation college student or a student who demonstrates financial need in pursuing a major in political science.

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  • Mary Neel Baker Scholarship – awarded to an outstanding history major
  • Gilbert Sumter Guinn Scholarship – awarded to an outstanding history major
  • E. Don Herd Scholarship – awarded to an outstanding entering freshman or transfer student majoring in history
  • Murrell J. Huckabee Scholarship – awarded to an outstanding history or English major (the scholarship is awarded jointly with the Department of English and Foreign Languages)
  • Barbara A. Jackson Scholarship – awarded to an outstanding history major committed to study abroad for a semester
  • William Ricketson Scholarship – alternates between an outstanding history major and an outstanding student minoring in anthropology (the scholarship is awarded jointly with the Department of Political and Social Sciences)

 >> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

  • Alumni Association Divisional – awarded each year for students with academic ability and financial need. The scholarship follows the student through his/her entire college career.
  • Greenwood Vocational Rehabilitation Advisory Board – awarded to a full-time junior or senior preparing for a career in the human service area. Recipient must be a resident of Greenwood, Abbeville, McCormick or Saluda county. Scholarship is renewable providing student maintains an acceptable GPA, and provided the Advisory Board voted to continue to fund scholarship from year to year.
  • Dr. William T. Martin – awarded annually to a full-time Lander student with a minimum of 60 credit hours (junior or senior standing) with no less than 12 hours credit in psychology classes. The student must have a 3.0 GPR on a 4.0 scale and be a declared psychology major. If awarded to a junior, the scholarship will be renewable the following year provided the student maintains a 3.0 GPR. When the student graduates, the scholarship will then be awarded to another junior or senior meeting the above criteria.

>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

College of Business

  • Paul Livingston Baker – awarded annually to two students majoring in the field of business who reside in one of the following counties: Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Newberry or Saluda. Selection will be made on the basis of academic merit, leadership potential and financial need. Scholarships are renewable provided the recipients maintain at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Chan Sup Chang Business Scholarship – awarded to a junior or senior business major who has at least a 3.0 GPA and has demonstrated leadership qualities.
  • Countybank Scholarship – awarded to students who are established residents of Greenwood County and who are or intend to be majors in business administration. The recipients are selected annually based on the following criteria: financial need, character, academic record and recommendation of high school or college teachers.
  • R. Thornwell Dunlap Jr. – awarded to a Greenwood County resident majoring in business administration. The recipient is selected annually based on the following criteria: financial need, character, academic record and recommendation of high school or college teacher.
  • Eaton Business Scholarship – awarded annually to a business major based on merit. Scholarship is renewable for up to three years provided the recipient maintains at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Elliott-Davis Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to students majoring in business administration, concentrating in accounting.
  • Clem P. Ham Scholarship – awarded annually to full-time students majoring in business administration, concentrating in health care management. Recipients will have an overall GPA of at least 2.5 and demonstrate academic merit, leadership potential and financial need. The scholarship will be awarded annually and previous recipients continuing to meet the criteria may reapply.
  • Francis P. Harris – awarded to student majoring in business administration.
  • G. Bonner and Martha B. Harvley – awarded to a Greenwood County resident majoring in business administration. The recipient is selected annually based on the following criteria: financial need, character, academic record and recommendation of high school or college teacher.
  • Jean T. McFerrin – awarded annually from fund income to a student(s) majoring in the field of business. Selection will be on the basis of academic merit, leadership potential and financial need. Scholarship will be continued each year provided the recipient(s) maintains at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Leo McMullin Scholarship – awarded annually to an upper-level student in business administration, with a minimum GPA of 3.0, who indicates an interest in pursuing a marketing career.
  • Moss Family Scholarship – awarded based on need to a rising junior or senior student from South Carolina and majoring in business administration with an emphasis in management/marketing. Preference given to student(s) who express interest in small business or entrepreneurial opportunities. Scholarship is renewable provided student maintains at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Charles A. Park – awarded annually from fund income to students majoring in business with preference given to students in accounting, not necessarily upperclassmen. Minimum GPA 2.5.
  • Thomas N. Scales Health Care Management – awarded to a full-time student majoring in health care management. The recipient will have a cumulative GPR of 2.8 and demonstrate potential for creative, caring leadership in the health care field. The scholarship will be awarded annually and previous recipients continuing to meet the criteria may reapply.
  • Ed Troublefield Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to a full-time student majoring in business administration. The scholarship is renewable provided the recipient maintains a 2.5 GPA.
  • Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship - awarded annually to a Beta Gamma Sigma member selected by the Business Department faculty.
  • Sharon Jones Williams Scholarship - awarded annually from fund income to nontraditional, female students enrolled in the schools of education and business administration.
  • J. Adam and Monica Taylor Scholarship - awarded annually from fund income to a full-time Lander business student from Laurens County. The scholarship is renewable provided the recipient maintains a 2.5 GPA.
  • Sandra J. Lorenzatti Scholarship - awarded annually to a female student majoring in business administration. The recipient must have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need.
  • Alumni Departmental Scholarship - awarded annually to students with academic ability and financial need. The scholarship is renewable for up to three years.
  • International Student Scholarship - awarded to an international student with an emphasis in accounting, management/marketing or finance/economics.
  • Freshman Scholarship - awarded annually to a freshman majoring in business administration.

Students are e-mailed scholarship applications each spring and scholarships are awarded at the end of the spring semester for the next academic year. For additional information, contact the College of Business.

>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

College of Education

  • Joe V. Chandler Scholarship – awarded to a full-time Lander University student(s) majoring in either physical education or exercise studies who has completed at least 24 semester hours at Lander, with a 2.5 or higher GPR. Selection will be made by the physical education and exercise studies faculty based on commitment to academic excellence, leadership potential, personal example of a healthy lifestyle, and involvement in professional development activities. Preference will be given to "first generation college students." The scholarship is renewable provided the recipient(s) remains a full-time student majoring in physical education or exercise studies and maintains a 2.5 GPR.
  • Jean Irwin Smith Scholarship – awarded to a junior or senior female student actively involved in sports participation at Lander University. This participation may be as a physical education major, cheerleader or as a member of one or more of the intercollegiate or intramural teams. Students must have an acceptable academic average, exhibit qualities of leadership, sportsmanship and citizenship, and be able to work well with people.
  • Alice Smith Spencer Scholarship – awarded each year from fund income to students majoring in physical education.
  • Luanne Wentzky Scholarship – awarded to students majoring in physical education/exercise studies.
  • Alumni Divisional Scholarship – The Lander University Alumni Association provides ten $700 scholarships each year for students with academic ability and financial need. The scholarship follows the student through his/her entire college career. The association also gives an athletic scholarship each year.

>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

Please note that scholarships are awarded to those with a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or better. Scholarships are awarded in accordance with the wishes of the contributor, based on scholarship and on need.

If you are currently the recipient of a scholarship, please complete a current application so that we can update our files. Your scholarship will be renewed if you have maintained the required GPA.

  • Mary Kinard Able Scholarship – awarded annually to a rising junior or senior from Greenwood, Laurens or Newberry county majoring in elementary education. Scholarship is renewable provided recipient maintains at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Elizabeth Adams Scholarship – awarded annually to a science major planning to teach. Scholarship is renewable provided the recipient maintains a 2.7 GPA.
  • Margaret "Peggy" Scruggs Andrews Scholarship – awarded to education majors who exhibit need, merit, Christian character and commitment and who actively participate in the Lander University Baptist Collegiate Ministry organization.
  • Atheneum Study Club Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to a Greenwood County student who intends to teach in the public schools.
  • Mary Lander Bell Scholarship – awarded to student(s) majoring in teacher education. Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need. The scholarship is renewable provided recipient maintains minimum requirements for teacher education program.
  • Sarah Kate "Sally" Lang Blaes Scholarship – awarded to a student from Greenwood County majoring in education. Selection will be based on financial need. Scholarship is renewable for up to three years provided recipient maintains minimum requirements for teacher education program.
  • Madison and Frances Patton Breland Scholarship – awarded to a student from Greenwood County majoring in education. Selection will be based on financial need. Scholarship is renewable for up to three years provided recipient maintains minimum requirements for teacher education program.
  • Mary Alice Cox Burnett Scholarship – awarded annually to a deserving junior or senior education major who resides in South Carolina. Scholarship may be renewed provided GPA is maintained.
  • Debbie Jeanne Burton – awarded annually from endowment income to students interested in helping those with disabilities. Preference will be given to students in the area of special education. Selection will be based on merit and need, and the scholarship is renewable provided recipient maintains an acceptable GPA. Application is required.
  • Mary Z. Calhoun Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income with preference given to students who plan to pursue a teaching career.
  • Maude K. Carter Education Scholarship – awarded from fund income to a student(s) majoring in education. Students must have financial need, academic ability, outstanding character and potential to develop into a good citizen.
  • Earline Buzhardt Clark – awarded annually from fund income to a rising junior majoring in education/teacher certification. The recipient must have a cumulative GPR of 3.0 upon entering the junior year and maintain a 3.0 GPA to renew the scholarship. The recipient must exhibit a strong desire and potential to be an excellent teacher.
  • Elizabeth Eble Scholarship – awarded annually to a student majoring in education.
  • Martee T. Edwards – awarded annually from fund income to a rising senior majoring in elementary education. The recipient must exhibit both a strong potential and an earnest desire to be an excellent teacher of children in the early grades. The recipient must also be of high moral character and must have an above average academic standing. Financial need will be of secondary consideration.
  • Eddie Griffin Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to an entering freshman majoring in education/teacher certification with emphasis given to those students in the area of math and science, who possess leadership skills. Scholarships will be continued provided recipient maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • William Kenneth Henderson Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to a needy student transferring from a technical college.
  • Hattie Henry Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to a full-time junior or senior education major. Scholarship is renewable provided recipient remains a full-time student and maintains a minimum 2.7 GPA.
  • Bettie Rose Horne Scholarship – awarded to a needy student who has at least a 2.75 GPA and is majoring in teacher education. This scholarship is renewable.
  • Harry P. Irwin Scholarship – awarded annually to a rising senior pursuing a career in secondary education.
  • Shirley Johnson Scholarship - awarded to an elementary education major entering his/her junior year at Lander (i.e., student may receive scholarship for both junior and senior years). The recipient will have a cumulative GPR of 3.0 upon entering the junior year and will be expected to maintain a 3.0 average. The student selected to receive this scholarship should demonstrate a commitment to the academic discipline, possess leadership abilities and show unlimited promise in the field of education.
  • Dearyl Lusk Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to an education major of high moral character who demonstrates financial need.
  • Jeff May Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to an education major who is a member of one of the 11 intercollegiate teams. Recipient will be selected on merit and need. Scholarship is renewable provided recipient maintains a 2.5 GPA.
  • Orvy May Scholarship – awarded to entering freshmen and are renewable provided recipients maintain a 2.5 GPA. Recipients will be selected on merit, need and citizenship.
  • Elizabeth K. McKelvey Education Scholarship – awarded from fund income to a student(s) majoring in education. Students must have financial need, academic ability, outstanding character and potential to develop into a good citizen.
  • Viola Hunt Norris Scholarship – awarded from fund income to a student majoring in education. Scholarship will be renewable provided recipient maintains minimum requirements for teacher education program.
  • Jo Beth Owings Ouzts Scholarship – awarded to education majors.
  • Cindy Bogerro Polatty Scholarship – awarded to a Greenwood County resident who is majoring in education.
  • Wilma Wilson Reeves Education Scholarship – awarded annually to a student from Abbeville County majoring in education. Selection is based on academic achievement and financial need.
  • Rebecca Bostic Riley Scholarship – awarded to a rising junior education major from Laurens or Newberry county with preference given to Laurens County.
  • Scott and Judy Smith Scholarship – awarded to a student majoring in education. Selection will be based on financial need and academic merit. 
  • Clara Stroud Scholarship – awarded to women who intend to teach.
  • Student Education Association (SEA) Scholarship – awarded to a rising senior majoring in early childhood or elementary education.
  • Ann Bowen Warner Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to a Greenwood County undergraduate and/or graduate student(s). Scholarship is renewable provided the recipient(s) maintains 2.5 GPA for undergraduate student or 3.0 GPA for graduate student.
  • Mary Taylor Waters Scholarship – awarded from fund income to students majoring in early childhood education.
  • Carolyn Sue White Scholarship – awarded to student pursuing a degree in special education.
  • Scottie White Scholarship – awarded to an education major.
  • Thelma W. Whitener Scholarship – awarded annually from fund income to a Greenwood area student showing need and majoring in secondary education.
  • Sharon Jones Williams Scholarship – awarded to nontraditional, female students enrolled in the schools of education and business administration. Scholarships will be awarded annually from fund income.

Departmental scholarships are made available to students majoring in early childhood, elementary and special education through the gifts and generosity of faculty, staff and friends of Lander University.

>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

College of Science & Mathematics

  • Alumni Association Scholarship – The Lander University Alumni Association provides one scholarship each year for a biology major with academic ability and financial need. The scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient remains a Biology major with a GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Jo Marie Bryan Scholarship – Established by friends and family in memory of Jo Marie Bryan, Class of 1987. Awarded to an entering freshman majoring in biology. The scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient remains a biology major with a GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Nell Henry Scholarship – Established in honor of Professor Nell Q. Henry by Mrs. Harmon W. Caldwell (M. Gwendolyn Burton), class of 1938. Awarded to an entering freshman majoring in biology. Selection is based on high school academic achievement. The scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient remains a biology major with a GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Shelton E. Stewart Scholarship – Established in 1995 by Dr. Mary Francis Lide, professor emeritus, in honor of Dr. Shelton E. Stewart, retired biology professor. Awarded annually to an incoming freshman planning to major in biology. The scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient remains a biology major with a GPA of at least 3.0.
  • James Thomas "Tommy" Tollison Scholarship – Established in 2001 in memory of James Thomas "Tommy" Tollison, a Biology graduate, Class of 1979. Awarded annually to an incoming freshman planning to major in biology. Preference will be given to applicants who will major in biology with an emphasis in genetics. The scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient remains a biology major with a GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Vereen Scholarship – Established in 1997 by Dr. Larry E. Vereen, Professor of Biology. The scholarship is awarded annually to an incoming freshman majoring in biology. This scholarship is non-renewable.
  • Amanda L. Wagoner Scholarship – Established by her family in honor of Amanda Wagoner, class of 2007. One scholarship is awarded annually to a freshman biology major with an SAT of at least 1100. Preference is given to students pursuing a pre-veterinary medicine curriculum. The scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient remains a biology major with a GPA of at least 3.0.
  • The Jerry D. Wilson Scholarship for Excellence in Science – Established in 1995 by Dr. Jerry D. Wilson, faculty emeritus, and his wife, Sandy. This scholarship is awarded to students in either the Department of Biology, Department of Physical Sciences, or the Department of Mathematics and Computing. Selection is based on academic promise and financial need. The scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient maintains full-time status with a 3.0 GPA with a major in one of the specified disciplines.

>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

  • Alumni Scholarships – The Lander University Alumni Association provides fourteen scholarships (one per department) each year for students with academic ability and financial need. The scholarship follows the student through his/her entire college career. The association also gives an athletic scholarship each year.
  • Helen Rodgers Baker Mathematics Scholarship – Established in 1987 by Mr. And Mrs. Paul L. Baker (Helen Rodgers Baker, Class of 1940). Scholarships, from fund income, will be awarded annually to at least one chemistry major and one math major who reside in one of the following counties: Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Newberry or Saluda and who are capable of pursuing and acquiring a degree in the areas of chemistry and/or mathematics.
  • Howard Booth (Engineering – Math) – Established in 1992 by Martha Ellen Ashley Booth in memory of her husband, Howard R. Booth, a 1938 honor graduate of Newark College of Engineering, Newark, New Jersey. Scholarship will be awarded annually from fund income to a student in one of the engineering dual-degree programs. The recipient will be selected by a vote of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics and Computing. The basis for selection is academic excellence, promise in engineering, and good character. Scholarship will be continued throughout the Lander and Clemson program provided the student maintains at least a 3.0 GPR.
  • Computer Information Systems Scholarship – Established in 1988 at the initiative of members of the CIS faculty. One or more academic scholarships will be awarded to CIS majors. Selection will be made by the CIS faculty, based on promise in the major.
  • Fuji Scholarship – Established in 1992 by Fuji Photo Film, Inc. Awarded each year to an entering freshman. Recipients must be graduates of a public or private high school in Greenwood County. Recipients who are majoring in the sciences or an engineering-related field must be given preference; if no such student exists, the recipient can be a major in any field. Selection will be made by the University primarily on the basis of academic ability, but financial need should also be considered. Any recipient who maintains a GPA of 3.0 and remains a science major can renew the scholarship for up to four years. Applicants for the scholarship must make a minimum of 1100 on the SAT or 24 on the ACT. 
  • Thomas Leslie Hughston, Sr. Scholarship – Established in the year 2000, the scholarship is named in honor of Thomas Leslie Hughston, Sr. A 1928 Clemson College graduate, Mr. Hughston practiced civil engineering in the U.S. Navy, and in the states of Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. The engineering community recognizes him for his commitment to excellence in engineering. The scholarship in his name is established to promote the development of engineers through the dual degree program in mathematics and engineering of Lander/Clemson University. The scholarship may be awarded annually to student(s) in the Lander/Clemson dual degree program in mathematics/engineering. Applications are accepted from students classified as Lander University entering freshmen through senior class members who are completing an engineering degree at Clemson University. The scholarship selection committee as established by the initial gift for this scholarship will select the recipient(s). The basis for awarding the scholarship will be the applicant’s potential for success in the study and practice of engineering. An applicant’s financial need will be considered.
  • Sherman L. Prosser Computer Information Systems Scholarship – Established in 1992 in honor of Sherman L. Prosser, associate professor of computer science at Lander. Scholarship will be awarded annually from fund income to an incoming freshman student. Scholarship will not be renewable. Selection will be made by the CIS faculty, based on promise in the major.
  • Whatley-Southerland Mathematics Teaching Scholarship – Established in 2000 by Dr. Christian and Mrs. Angie Southerland Wypasek in memory of her grandmothers Lina White Whatley and Suda Norris Southerland Stephenson. Scholarship to be awarded from fund income to a rising junior mathematics major with high moral character who demonstrates financial need and is seeking teacher certification. Preference will be given to a South Carolina resident. Scholarship is renewable provided the student maintains at least a 3.0 GPR.
  • The Jerry D. Wilson Scholarship for Excellence in Science – Established in 1995 by Dr. Jerry D. Wilson, faculty emeritus, and his wife, Sandy. A full tuition scholarship will be awarded to a student in either the Department of Biological and Physical Sciences or the Department of Mathematics and Computing. Selection is based on academic promise and financial need. Scholarships are renewable provided student maintains full-time status with a 3.0 GPA.
  • Zeigler-Gregg Mathematics Scholarship – Established in 1990 by Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gregg (Carroll Zeigler, Class of 1944). Scholarships will be awarded annually to students showing proficiency and promise in mathematics.

>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

  • Fuji Scholarship – Established in 1992 by Fuji Photo Film, Inc. Awarded each year to an entering freshman. Recipients must be graduates of a public or private high school in Greenwood County. Recipients who are majoring in the sciences or an engineering-related field must be given preference; if no such student exists, the recipient can be a major in any field. Selection will be made by the University primarily on the basis of academic ability, but financial need will also be considered. The scholarship is initially awarded to a freshman and will be renewable for up to three years provided the recipient maintains a GPA of at least 3.0 and remains a science major. Applicants must have a minimum of 1100 on the SAT (ACT of 24).
  • The Jerry D. Wilson Scholarship for Excellence in Science – Established in 1995 by Dr. Jerry D. Wilson, faculty emeritus, and his wife, Sandy. A full tuition scholarship will be awarded to a student in either the Department of Biology, Department of Physical Sciences, or the Department of Mathematics and Computing. Selection is based on academic promise and financial need. The scholarship is renewable provided the recipient maintains full-time status with a 3.0 GPA.
  • Alumni Association Departmental Scholarship – The Lander University Alumni Association provides a $500 scholarship each year for a student with academic ability and financial need. The scholarship is renewable for up to three years.
  • Eaton Physical Science Scholarship - Established and endowed in 2003 by a gift from Eaton Corporation. Scholarship to be awarded annually to a Science major based on merit. Scholarship is renewable for up to three years provided the recipient maintains at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Lander Science Scholarship Award – Lander Science Scholar Awards are given each year to both freshmen and upper class students who are matriculating through one of the science majors. The faculty in the Department of Biology and the Department of Physical Sciences vote for the most promising students from a list of those enrolled in a degree-awarding science program who have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their science courses and a minimum GPA of 3.5 overall.


Chemistry Specific

  • Helen Rodgers Baker Chemistry Scholarship – Established in 1987 by Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Baker (Helen Rodgers Baker, Class of 1940). Scholarships, from fund income, will be awarded annually to at least one chemistry major at Lander University who resides in one of the following counties: Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Newberry or Saluda, and who is capable of pursuing and acquiring a degree in the area of chemistry.
  • Barbara Brown Ullman Scholarship - Established in honor of Dr. Barbara Brown Ullman, a Columbia dermatologist, by Professor emeritus, Dr. Larry Joe Cook, and his wife Mary Jo H. Cook, former Vice President for Business and Administration at Lander. Scholarship recipient will be selected by science faculty and awarded to a student enrolled in the pre-medicine program.
  • Monsanto Scholars Program – Established in 1989 by The Monsanto Fund. Scholarships will be awarded annually to students majoring in an area leading to a degree in chemistry. This includes chemistry and dual-degree chemistry/chemical engineering majors (chemical engineering degree completed at Clemson University). Selection is based on merit and the amount of the award varies according to availability of funds and financial need. Applicants must have a minimum of 1000 on the SAT (ACT of 21).
  • Floyd N. Dixon Scholarship - The Floyd N. Dixon Scholarship was established in September, 2008 by Bill and Marla Dixon as a tribute to the late Floyd N. Dixon, Bill's uncle with whom he shared a special relationship. The scholarship is an annual award from fund income to a full-time Lander student majoring in chemistry or biology with preference given to pre-pharmacy. Scholarship is renewable provided recipient remains a full-time student and maintains a 2.75 GPR.
  • Harrison Twin Scholarships – Honoring medical researchers Dr. Stanley Prusiner and Dr. John Ledbetter. Scholarships, from fund income, are awarded each year to upper-division chemistry majors.


Environmental Science Specific

  • Martha Covington King Scholarship – The Martha Covington King Scholarships were established in 1998 in memory of Martha Covington King, a Lander alumna who graduated in 1936. The King scholarships provide four years of financial assistance to entering freshmen majoring in Environmental Science at Lander University. Awards are made on the basis of merit. For consideration, applicants should be rising high school seniors with a minimum SAT score of 1000 (ACT of 21). Preference will be given to students in the college preparatory or advanced placement programs. Applications are reviewed by the Environmental Science Steering Committee and the trustees of the King estate. The award is renewable for up to three years provided the recipient maintains a GPA of at least 3.0 and is an Environmental Science major making satisfactory progress toward the degree.
  • Angelle Adams Scholarship - Established in 1998 by The Lotus Garden Club of Greenwood in honor of Angelle P. Adams and endowed in 2002 by her son L.B. “B” Adams and his wife Peggy. Scholarship to be awarded annually to a student majoring in Environmental Science. Scholarship is renewable provided recipient maintains at least a 3.0 GPR.
  • Cooper Power Systems Environmental Science Scholarship – Established in 1999 by Cooper Power Systems in Greenwood with proceeds won through the 1999 Cooper Environmental Excellence Awards Program. To be awarded annually to student(s) majoring in environmental science. Scholarship is renewable for up to three years provided the recipient maintains a 3.0 GPA.

>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships

William Preston Turner School of Nursing

  • Ruth Childress "Monk" Buchanan Nursing Scholarship – Established in 1993 in memory of Ruth Childress "Monk" Buchanan" by her family.
    • Nursing student who has completed junior year (scholarship awarded senior year)
    • Ranked top half of class
    • Very client/patient-oriented with outgoing personality
    • Demonstrates outstanding clinical nursing skills
    • Evidence of strong commitment to the nursing profession
  • Nahn Joo Chang Nursing Scholarship – Established in 2000 by Professor Nahn Chang to support students who are preparing for a career in nursing.
    • Awarded annually to an entering freshman who meets the criteria for "Pre-nursing"
    • SAT score 1000 or above or other equivalent standardized test score
    • Record of citizenship, as evidenced by active participation in extracurricular activities and civic organizations
    • The recipient will be selected following completion of at least 12 hours of earned academic credit with a Lander institutional grade point average of 2.6 or above and continuation of pre-nursing status
  • Nancy Saxon Clark Nursing Scholarship – Established in memory of Nancy S. Clark, Class of 1956, to provide nursing scholarships from fund income.
    • Junior nursing student
    • Ranked top quarter of class
  • Annie Laurie Crawford Memorial Scholarship – Established in 1995 with funds from the estate of Annie Laurie Crawford.
    • Senior nursing student
    • Lander institutional GPA of at least 3.0
    • Received a percentile score of 75 or better on the NLN Mental
    • Health Nursing Exam in NURS 393
    • Demonstrate above-average therapeutic communication skills
  • Bob and Helen Eisenbeck Nursing Scholarship – Established in 1989 in memory of Bob and Helen Eisenbeck.
    • Lower-division classification
    • Financial need
    • Demonstrates academic success
  • American Legion Forty & Eight - Greenwood Unit – Given by LaSociete des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, Voiture 435 of Greenwood.
    • Preference is given to Greenwood or Laurens County resident
    • Agree to accept employment in Greenwood or Laurens County for a period of one year after graduation
  • American Legion Forty & Eight - Newberry Unit – The American Legion Newberry Unit sponsors a nursing student each year. These scholarships are renewable up to four years providing the recipient meets progression requirements for the Department of Nursing. The organization retains the right to nominate and select recipients and will notify the Department of Nursing if they do so.
    • Newberry County resident (graduated from Whitmire, Newberry or Mid-Carolina High Department)
    • Sophomore status in the nursing major with automatic renewal based on meeting Department of Nursing progression requirements
  • Fifty Years in Nursing Scholarship – In honor of Lander's Fifty Years of Excellence in Nursing Education, the Nursing Faculty has established the Fifty Year Nursing Scholarship to honor the Lander Nurses of 1957-2007
    • Awarded to a junior or senior nursing major
    • Recipient must exhibit the potential to enter the nursing profession as a registered nurse
    • Needs financial assistance with education expenses (but need not necessarily qualify for financial aid through the university)
  • Larry and Barbara Jackson Nursing Scholarship – Established in 2007 by Usha Menon, Ph.D. R.N., class of 1992, in honor of Larry and Barbara Jackson.
    • Awarded on merit
  • Lander Alumni Scholarship – Established in 1992 by the nursing faculty to recognize and support professional development through B.S.N. degree completion.
    • Freshman
    • Financial need
    • Lander Institutional GPR 2.6 or predicted 2.6
    • Less than 30 hours earned
  • Lander Nursing Alumni Scholarship – Lander University Alumni Association provides a renewable scholarship for the recipient’s entire college career as long as the recipient maintains a Lander institutional GPR or 2.6.
    • Licensed registered nurse
    • Graduate of Lander College ADN or NLN accredited ADN/diploma program
    • Has demonstrated significant progress toward completion of Lander B.S.N.
  • Agnes M. Luddy Nursing Scholarship – Established by friends, alumni and colleagues upon her retirement in 1984.
    • Senior nursing student demonstrating an above-average clinical performance as compared with peers in orthopedic rehabilitative or geriatric nursing
    • Minimum Lander institutional GPR of 3.0
    • Evidence of strong commitment to the nursing profession
  • MacDonald Luddy Memorial Scholarship – Established in 1985 to honor the profession and practice of community health nursing
    • Senior nursing student
    • Lander institutional cumulative GPR not less than 2.80
    • Active participation in the LUSNA
    • Demonstrates an interest in community health or Returning Community Health R.N. Lander institutional cumulative GPR not less than 2.80
    • Active member of the ANA
  • Orvy and Jessie May Scholarship – Established in 1990 in memory of Orvy and Jessie May by their family members and friends.
    • Entering freshmen
    • Renewable provided recipients maintain a Lander institutional 2.6 GPA
    • Selected on merit, need and citizenship
  • Professional Medical Products Scholarship – Established in 1984 by Professional Medical Products of Greenwood
    • Registered Nurse or generic student in the upper division
    • Greenwood County resident
    • Minimum Lander Institutional cumulative GPR of 3.0
  • Nell Perry Squires Scholarship – Established in 2000 by William H. Squires in honor of his wife, Nell Perry Squires, who taught in Lander’s School of Nursing.
    • South Carolina resident
    • Lander institutional cumulative GPR of 3.0
    • Renewable by maintaining Lander institutional GPR of 3.0
  • Pilot Club Scholarship – Established in 2005 by the Pilot Club of Greenwood.
    • Junior or senior nursing student
    • Lander institutional GPA 3.0 or above
    • Interested in brain disorder (neuro, psych, stroke, cancer)
    • Renewable by maintaining 3.0 or above
  • Kimberly Lauren Trotter Memorial Scholarship – Established in 1997 by her parents.
    • Junior or senior nursing major
    • Lander institutional cumulative GPA of 2.6 or higher
    • Interest in Cardiac/Intensive Critical Care or Emergency Nursing*
      *Preferred criterion; scholarship may be awarded by faculty discretion if no candidate demonstrates this professional interest.
  • Buddy and June Vanadore Nursing Scholarship – Established in 2005 by June Vanadore.
    •  Junior nursing student
    • Lander institutional GPA 2.6 or above
    • Prefer LUSNA member
  • Bessie Kate Edwards Young Scholarship – Established in 2002 by Bruce Young in memory of Bessie Kate Edwards Young.
    • RN-BSN student or generic student
    • Preference given to student employed in a geriatric nursing position
    • Enrolled in one required NURS or NURN course
  • David E. & Joyce H. Hyde Nursing Scholarship – Established in 2006 by David and Joyce Hyde in observance of their 55th wedding anniversary. The Hydes chose nursing as the focus area for their scholarship because nursing is an area of critical need and also because nursing care has a direct and close relationship to people with special needs, another area of particular interest to the donors.
    • Full-time Lander nursing student having the greatest financial need
    • Renewable provided recipient remains a full-time student and maintains a 2.7 GPA
  • Larry Middleton and Eric Puckett – Established in 2008 by Eric L. Puckett and Larry Middleton, Sr., Lander nursing students who graduated in December 2008. Eric and Larry hope that establishing this scholarship will encourage more male students to pursue nursing careers at Lander University. The candidate chosen for this scholarship should possess and radiate a genuine passion for caring for ill patients and patients’ families. The recipient should be respectful and courteous to the nursing faculty and to his fellow peers. This is an annual award to a full-time junior or senior male nursing student. Scholarship is renewable provided recipient remains a full-time student and maintains a minimum GPR requirement established by the Lander Department of Nursing.
  • Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society Award
    • Junior or senior student
    • GPR of 3.0 or above
    • Demonstrates superior scholastic achievement evidence of professional potential, and/or marked achievement in the field of nursing
    • The candidate should exemplify the ideals of the Mu Zeta Chapter in accordance with the Sigma Theta Tau standards
  • Meghan Diane Hawley Scholarship - Meghan Diane Hawley was born in Fulda, Germany on May 8th, 1987 while her father was serving in the U.S. Army. After graduating from Calhoun Academy in St. Matthews, SC in May, 2005, she entered the School of Nursing at Lander University. During February of her Junior year, she was diagnosed with a malignant glioblastoma brain tumor. Meghan had successful surgery, chemotherapy and radiation at Duke University Hospital and continued oral chemotherapy treatment upon her return to school. Meghan returned to Lander and graduated in December, 2009 as a member of Sigma Theta Tau, after missing only one semester of school. Meghan was given the Professional Development Award by the Nursing Faculty at Pinning because of her dedication and success to the profession of nursing while exhibiting the strength to overcome her circumstances. This scholarship is offered to the nursing student who best exemplifies the dedication, determination and courage displayed by Meghan throughout her time at Lander and who returns to school after a medical leave of absence and requires financial assistance.
  • Dr. Leslie MacTaggart Myers Scholarship - The Dr. Leslie MacTaggart Myers Nursing Scholarship was established and funded by Jessica Suber Hall, a 2010 nursing graduate of Lander University, in honor of nursing professor, Dr. Leslie MacTaggart Myers. Jessica was a recipient of multiple funded scholarships and wanted to give back to a school, department, and professor that had given her so much. She says, "This scholarship is named for Dr. Myers because of the difference she made in my life. She was my advisor, mentor, role model, and friend. She is an inspiration to all her students, and it is and honor to establish this scholarship in her name." Scholarship to be awarded to a Senior Nursing student with a desire to pursue graduate studies (must have been accepted and willing to attend graduate school). The student must be active in Lander University Student Nurses Association.
  • Enid Benjamin Nursing Scholarship - Established in 2010 from the Estate of Enid Barnes Benjamin in her name and the name of her mother, Henrietta Pickell Barnes who was a nursing professional.
    • Awarded to an upperclassman in the program
    • Greenwood County resident
    • Minimum 3.0 GPA
    • Merit and need based
    • An excellent citizen
  • William K. and Lula L. Bosserman Nursing Scholarship - Established in 2012 from an estate gift to The Lander Foundation from William Karhl Bosserman estate. Scholarship to be awarded annually from fund income to deserving students majoring in nursing.
  • Betty Cervenka Nursing Scholarship - Preference given to a nursing student who is a mother, works outside the home, and goes to school who meets all the scholarship criteria. However, if a working mother is not eligible, the nursing faculty is to select a traditional or nontraditional student according to the additional criteria for the scholarship.
    • South Carolina resident.
    • Dynamic, strong, committed nursing student with a GPA of 3.0 or greater.
    • Interest in Critical Care Nursing, Enterstomal/ Wound Care Nursing, or plans to attend graduate school in nursing.
    • Given to a pre-licensure student admitted to the nursing program, an RN to BSN student, or a graduate MSN student.
  • Sylvia Brooks Grubb Nursing Scholarship - As a Lander student, Sylvia Grubb received a scholarship from the Self Foundation. She is from the Lander Nursing School Class of 1959, first class to graduate. Sylvia spent most of her career as a school nurse and coordinator of health services for Richland School District I. She credits Lander University with helping prepare her for a wonderful career as a nurse. She is grateful to the Self Foundation for her scholarship, and hopes that her endowed scholarship will benefit Lander students for years to come. Scholarship to be given to a student showing financial need.
  • Mickey McDowell Nursing Scholarship - Established in 2007. Scholarship to be awarded to a student who demonstrates outstanding ability to use the Neuman Systems Model in providing evidence-based care and potential for pursuing doctoral education in nursing or expresses an interest in conducting nursing research.
    • Preference given to student interested in becoming a nurse educator
    • A first or second semester senior nursing student
    • Lander Institutional GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Spring Nursing Class of 2012- Bernice Daugherty Honorary Scholarship - Established in April 2012 by the nursing graduating class in honor of Professor Bernice Daugherty upon her retirement. The scholarship will be awarded in the fall of each academic year.
    • Senior II nursing student
    • GPA of at least 3.0
    • Active involvement in one or more of the following: LUSNA, nursing department committees, extracurricular activities, community/volunteer activities.
  • Spring Nursing Class of 2012- David Melson Memorial Scholarship - Established in April 2012 by the nursing graduating class in Memory of Dr. David Melson, microbiology professor. The scholarship will be awarded in the spring of each academic year.
    • Senior II nursing student
    • A GPA of at least 3.0.
    • Active involvement in one or more of the following: LUSNA, nursing department committees, extracurricular activities, community/volunteer activities.
  • Daisy Stewart Nursing Scholarship - Established in December 2012 by the December 2012 nursing graduates.
    • Entering second semester junior year or first semester senior year in Lander's BSN program.
    • Active involvement in one or more of the following: LUSNA, nursing department committees, extracurricular activities, community/volunteer activities.
    • Demonstrate excellence in clinical practice.
  • Spring Nursing Class of 2013- Kathy Lee Scholarship - Established by the spring 2013 Nursing graduating class.
    • Senior II nursing student
    • Non-traditional student
    • Involved in extracurricular activities.
    • Demonstrates exemplary clinical practice
  • Fall Nursing Class of 2013 Gagnon-Ready Memorial Scholarship - The December 2013 nursing class established the Gagnon-Ready Memorial Nursing Scholarship in memory of parents of two of the class members. Terri Gagnon, the mother of Anna Gagnon, and Larry Ready, the father of Lawren Ready, lost their battles with cancer prior to their daughter's college graduations. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who has extenuating circumstances resulting in financial need and must have been accepted into the nursing program.
  • Ida Lou Ashley Milling Nursing Scholarship – Established in October 2015 by Ashley and Roe Milling in memory of his mother, Ida Lou Ashley Milling. Mrs. Milling’s son was a graduate of the class of 1979.
    • Student from Greenwood, Anderson or Greenville counties
    • First priority given to a single mother (unwed, divorced or widowed)
    • Priority given to student with financial need.
    • May be awarded to undergraduate or nursing student in the Masters program
    • Renewable provided the student maintains a 3.0 GPA
  • Willie B. Garrick Nursing Scholarship – Established in May 2015 by Lander alumna Tasha Garrick, class of 1996, in honor of her father Willie B. Garrick who made it possible for her to attend Lander and obtain her nursing degree.
    • Awarded to an in-state minority, Freshman student (not a transfer student).
    • Renewable provided student remains a nursing major and maintains a 3.0 GPA
  • Ashley and Roe Milling Nursing Scholarship – Established in October 2015 by Roe Milling in memory of her Mother-In-Law Lou Milling and her husband Ashley Milling ’79.
    • Student from Greenwood, Anderson or Greenville counties
    • First priority given to a single mother (unwed, divorced or widowed)
    • Priority given to student with financial need
    • May be awarded to undergraduate or nursing student in the Masters program
    • Renewable provided the student maintains a 3.0 GPA
  • Spring Nursing Class of 2014 – Perseverance in Nursing Scholarship – Established in May 2014 by the nursing graduation class in recognition of the determination and perseverance of students in working toward their goal attainment of completing their BSN in spite of difficulties, barriers or extenuation circumstances.
    • Awarded to a rising Senior I or Senior II with financial need
    • Student must document extenuation circumstances that contribute to need on the School of Nursing Scholarship application
    • Awarded to a student who has persevered in completing school when faced with difficult circumstances whether financial, social or emotional
  • Nursing F14 – The Jenny Chapman Scholarship – Established by the December 2014 senior nursing class in memory of Jenny Chapman Collins, sister of Valerie Chapman, a member of the class. Jenny passed away during the class’s senior year in nursing. The class wanted to honor the hard work and dedication to the nursing profession that their classmate showed through this difficult time with a scholarship in memory of her sister.
    • Awarded to a senior nursing student
    • Student shows dedication to their nursing education
    • Demonstrated the most improvement while progressing through the program
  • Nursing S15 – The Rebecca Cox-Davenport Scholarship – Established by the May 2015 senior nursing class in honor of Rebecca Cox-Davenport.
    • Awarded to a senior I or Senior II nursing student
    • Member of LUSNA or active in community activities
    • Demonstrates excellent clinical practice
  • Nursing F15 – Holisa Wharton Scholarship – Established by the December 2015 nursing class to honor Dr. Wharton for her educational accomplishments as a first-generation college student. She is recognized by the class as a role model to all students. 
    • Awarded to a senior II, but may be awarded to a Senior I who demonstrates excellent clinical practice.
    • Student must be a first generation college student
  • Seaborn Family Nursing Scholarship – Established in 2015 by Christ ’00 and Misty Seaborn ’00.
    • To be determined by the Nursing Department

Scholarships Awarded at the Recognition Ceremony Include:

  • Lydia Woodham Parrish Nursing Scholarship - Established in 2003 by Lydia W. Parrish, upon her retirement as director of the RN-BSN Completion Option and from the School of Nursing.
    • RN-BSN graduating student
    • Demonstrates potential for graduate study in nursing
    • Selection of the scholarship recipient will be made annually by the faculty of the Department of Nursing.
  • Janet Askew Sipple Nursing Scholarship – Established by the Nursing Class of 1978 in honor of the chairperson of the Division of Nursing.
    • Member of graduating senior class
    • Lander institutional cumulative GPA of 3.0.
    • Demonstrates potential for graduate study in nursing
    • Career goals in nursing consistent with graduate preparation
    • The graduate must enroll in an NLN accredited graduate nursing program


>> Apply for Departmental Scholarships