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Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Sigma_Gamma_Rho-web.jpgFounded November 12,1922 at Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Chartered at Lander University March 13,1994 Reactivated Fall 2020

Motto: "Greater Service, Greater Progress"


About Sigma Gamma Rho,Inc.- Nu Chi , Lander University:

The purpose of the Nu Chi Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. is to enhance the quality of servitude in the community. We encourage setting high standards to education while being a member of the sorority. Also promoting Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Service throughout the Chapter. Sigma Gamma Rho addresses concerns that impacts society such as education of the youth, civil concerns, and economic concerns.


A Letter from the Chapter

Greetings and welcome to the webpage of the Notorious Nu Chi Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Since our reactivation in the Fall of 2020, our chapter has pursued "Greater Service, Greater Progress". in Greenwood, South Carolina and surrounding communities. We are a chapter of strong, intelligent and determined women with diverse majors and backgrounds. Our chapter will always work in support of our sisterhood's mission, vision and values. We are committed to upholding the principles of our sorority and are dedicated to fulfilling its theme: A Sisterhood that Serves. Our chapter is invested in the advancement of our members and it is our goal and plan to educate, strengthen and empower the communities we proudly serve.

We invite you to join us in our mission to serve our community. By becoming involved through collaborative efforts, donating towards our programs or by attending and supporting our community events, we greatly appreciate you.

Thank you so much for visiting our website to learn more about who we are and what we do. We encourage you to follow us on our Facebook (Nx Poodles) and Instagram (@Nu.chipoodles) accounts where you can stay updated on our activities.


In Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service

Nu Chi Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.


International Programs:

Project Reassurance, SWIM 1922, March of Dimes, Project Cradle Care




NX poodles