In the event of a fire, fire alarm, or notice to evacuate students and employees are asked to assemble in the designated areas for their building. During evacuation employees and students should locate the closest safe exit and leave in an orderly fashion and proceed to the assembly area. Employees are asked to familiarize themselves with their work area and know two exit routes from their work area.
All building evacuations will occur when an alarm sounds and/or upon notification by University Police or Building Coordinator.
When the building evacuation alarm is activated during an emergency, leave by the nearest safe exit and alert others to do the same. Assist the Disabled in exiting the building.
Once outside proceed to the assembly point away from the effected building. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrant area and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. Know the designated assembly points. Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by authorized persons.
Note: After any evacuation report to your designated assembly point, remain at the assembly point until you are instructed otherwise by University Police or University Officials.
Evacuation of all or part of the campus grounds will be determined by University Administration.
All persons (students, administrators, faculty and staff) are to vacate the site in question immediately and relocate to another part of the campus grounds as directed.
After any evacuation, report to your designated assembly point. Remain at the assembly point until you are instructed otherwise. Campus officials such as University Police, University Administration, Lander University Emergency Response Team Members, Local Law Enforcement Officers, or City of Greenwood Fire Department members will instruct you in where to go.