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To report a minor utility failure on campus Monday - Friday 8 am until 5 pm, contact the Physical Plant from an on campus phone at 8200, from an off campus or cellular phone call 864-388-8200.

If there is potential danger to building occupants or to report a utility failure during nights weekends or holidays contact University Police at 8911 from an on campus phone or 864-388-8911 from an off campus or cellular phone.

If the building is evacuated, do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by University Officials.


Electrical/Light Failure

Emergency lighting in campus buildings is temporary and may not always provide sufficient illumination in corridors and stairs for safe exiting. It is, therefore, advisable to have your own flashlight available for emergencies.

Plumbing Failure/Flooding

Cease all operations. Do not switch on any lights or any electrical equipment. Notify Physical Plant during normal business hours or University Police during nights, weekends, or holidays.

Natural Gas Leak

Cease all operations. A mild smell of natural gas is normal in some buildings due to venting of boiler systems. If you witness a gas line rupture whether underground or in a building, evacuate the building and notify University Police.