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Online education is more popular than ever. It can be a way to earn a degree without being limited by geography or class schedules. Many online students are working adults who choose online programs to earn new degrees, skills, and professional certificates to advance in their careers. With online learning, you can pick a study schedule that fits in with career, family, and other commitments. In order to succeed in online courses and programs, it's important to develop good study habits. Here are seven online study tips to help you.


1. Choose the Right Online Program

Lander provides online courses in many of the subject areas taught by the university. Beyond individual courses, the university also offers several undergraduate and graduate degree programs online.

2. Develop a Consistent Schedule

One of the biggest advantages of online learning is that it allows you to make your own schedule. If you want to succeed, though, you can't be too casual about time. It's best to treat your online classes as though they are live classes. Choose a time that's convenient for you, but then stick to that schedule.

3. Take Advantage of Interactive Tools

Online courses at Lander include helpful tools for you communicate with your professors and classmates. Make sure you make good use of these tools. If you have questions, take the time to send an email to your professor. Take advantage of interactive features such as virtual office hours so that you can get the most from your classes. Check out the Lander ITS Student Resources page for more information.

4. Connect with Other Students

Online programs at Lander provide resources that allow you to connect with other students. This can not only help you make new friends, it can be useful for your academic success. Just as you can form study groups in person, you can do the same online. Students pooling their minds and abilities can do better than individuals working in isolation.

5. Keep Your Study Materials Organized

It's important to keep track of your study materials and tasks. Otherwise you can lose track of what you need to read or what assignments or tests are due. Create a system that works for you, and make sure you keep everything neatly organized. For example, if you're taking multiple classes, you should create a folder for each class in the documents area of your computer.

6. Find Your Ideal Study Environment

Another benefit of online study is that you have the ability to take your courses and your laptop anywhere. It is really important however to choose a location that helps you focus and feel the most motivated. This may be indoors or outdoors, in a public place or in your own bedroom. Check out our tips for setting your study space up for success.

7. Incorporate Offline Study Tactics

While the internet is very useful for studying, you can also benefit by including traditional offline techniques. This includes doing research at a brick and mortar library. You can also benefit by writing certain material down and using flash cards.


Online study can be efficient and convenient. At the same time, it takes a certain amount of self-discipline to create your own schedule and stay organized. Keep the above tips in mind to help you succeed with your online education.